Thursday, October 6

I fly out tomorrow!

Well, tomorrow is the beginning of my two week adventure to the US. Got a few final things sorted today namely: travel insurance, a trip to the dentist (yippee) and a visit to the solicitors to execute(!) my Will (very morbid).

All sorted and a little bit closer to feeling like I'm actually going on holiday...still need to book one night's accommodation in LA for the last night before heading home. I'll try and get something sorted tonight otherwise I'll have to sort something while I'm away.

I was a bit concerned about the dentist visit since I had what felt like a huge crack (a rough edge) in one of my molars which already has a large filling. Turns out it was just the edge of the filling, the join, so she just sanded it down and gave it a polish and it feels fine once more. She was quite confident that it shouldn't give me any troubles. I had visions of the filling falling out while away and having to make use of my travel insurance for emergency dental treatment! While I was there I had a general check up as well as some highly enjoyable tooth scraping with that evil spikey hook thing. Fun.

While in Utah, Shayne has organised with a friend of his (old school teacher I believe) to take us flying in his plane up the Provo Canyon which should be an absolute hoot. There has been some snowfalls during the week so the mountains should look spectacular. I'll try and get some good shots and post them here. We're gonna go hiking on one of the days up Mt Timpanogos and I'm really looking forward to that too.

Anyhoo, I'll try and keep this blog up to date as much as I can while I'm away, so tune in and see what I'm up to.

NEXT POST (from me at least) FROM UT. Catcha!


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