Thursday, June 15's been a while

Sorry folks.  It's been a while.  No real excuses so I won't waste your time...

Jessie and MJ haven't been well.  Jessie has been suffering from a suspected urinary tract infection and has been on a couple of courses of antibiotics and in and out of the doctors for tests.  Most recently on Monday, she went to the paediatrician for a check up and he seemed to think she's doing pretty well.  Urinary tract infections can sometimes be quite problematic for little kids so she is going to the hospital on Monday anyway for some more tests and scans.

Jessie can now sit up on her own for extended periods and can clap more or less on cue.

MJ has had gastro and hasn't been himself properly for a few weeks.  While he had it he was really flat, no energy and not drinking and eating much.  He is a lot better now but still not 100%. Very touchy and .  On the upside, we have finally gotten him out of his cot and into the little bed we bought him months ago.  His room looks a lot less cluttered.  He's managed to sleep several nights all the way through and has adapted well.  He has missed out on a couple of weeks of childcare and going back this week was a bit tough for him but he's had a good time once he has settled down.  MJ is really into dinosaurs at the mo and has a large collection that he can name.

Since Jessie hasn't been sleeping for more than a few hours at a time (during the day or night) Krysti hasn't been getting much sleep.  Despite all the sickies in the house, Krys has remained healthy and really patient with the kids.

Brian and Amanda are currently on a "trip of a lifetime" holiday in the USA.  I chatted with Brian on MSN this morning from Las Vegas and they seem to be making the most of their time away and fitting heaps in.  Mum also went to Hong Kong for a training course with work a few weeks back.

I've got some Photoshop training next week and I'm looking forward to that since I enjoyed the first course so much. Work is busy as always.  While MJ has been sick he's been sleeping with me in the spare room and I've had a couple of colds in the last few weeks as a result - I've almost shaken the cold now though.

Anyway, I'll TRY and keep this thing updated more often .  Check out our flickr account for some more recently uploaded pics of the kids.



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