Sunday, April 16

Updates - Garden and stuff...

5_Victa_Place_Front_Garden 007
Originally uploaded by JohnConn.
You can see from the pic that we have made some progress with the front garden. We had our landscaper guy in and did some more edging for us, and so this week, like 'paint by numbers' we began filling in the blanks. We did a load of shovelling and moving dirt and fitting sprinklers and other irrigation. We had some turf delivered Thursday which we laid late in the afternoon and put in some box hedges and other hedging. It all looks quite good and in keeping with the contemporary theme of the house. We have a way to go in the back yard but things are moving forward. We have had some much cooler weather lately so we are running out of time - we even had a frost of sorts this morning.

Jessica has had a cold for much of this week. She has a congested nose and a cough. Hopefully it is clearing up now. MJ has had a touch of it too, but it hasn't affected him too much. This evening he was bouncing on the bed and fell and hit his head on the bedside table. He has a big cut and a bruise and cried a lot. Poor little boy.

Another update to the Firefox web browser got released the other day. If anyone needs to upgrade or haven't yet had a taste of Firefox, click the links on the right hand side to get the latest version. Similarly, if you are looking for anything from Amazon, search for your books using the form on the home page to help support this site and another sideline project we are hoping to run. Cheers!