Poor little Bessie

MJ's chicken pox has well and truly healed with only a few spots remaining. He was back at Rainbow last week and seems back to his normal self. Jessica, on the other hand, has now been hit with the Pox and seems to be doing things a little harder than MJ did when he had his bout. She's really itchy and sleeping even shorter stints than she was before. Poor thing. Poor Krysti for not having any sleep as a consequence too.
Bob and Kim are 'in da house'. Bob and Kim are staying with us for a few weeks in between house sitting gigs. Kim has been a great help during the short time she has been here and having a baby sitter on call might allow us to escape for dinner or a movie a little more regularly than normal.
The weather is heating up here a bit now. We've had a few high 20's / early 30's temps and the grass is all scorched.
I'm off to Sydney for a couple of days next week to do some work at our Consulate-General there. The office has me booked in to a nicer hotel than normal since our regular marker hotel is booked out due to some trade shows or conferences.
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